Mahati Swara Sagar, the son of music director Mani Sharma got engaged to Singer Sanjana Kalmanje on Sunday. Their engagement ceremony took place in Chennai recently which was attended by their family members and the close friends. Mahati Swara Sagar shared a few pics of his engagement on social media that grabbed the attention of many. Singer Sanjana Kalmanje too shared a couple of photographs of the engagement ceremony and pre-engagement party. The celebrities who are close to Mahati Swara Sagar and Sanjana are congratulating the couple.
The sources revealed that the families of Mahati and Sanjana are yet to lock the wedding date.
On the work front Mahati Swara Sagar scored the music for Nithiin, milky beauty Tamannah Bhatia and Nabha Natesh starrer action thriller drama Maestro.
Currently he is scoring the music for Kinnerasani, Manchu Vishnu’s D&D – Double Dose and Nithiin starrer Macherla Niyojakavargam. Apparently, the makers of Chiranjeevi starrer Bhola Shankar have also roped in Mahati Swara Sagar to compose the music for the film.
Mahati Swara Sagar has already impressed the music lovers with his impressive albums for films like romantic movies Chalo, and Bheeshma. He has scored a good audio album for Nithhin’ previous offering Maestro as well.
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