Maha Samudram Collections: The action drama Maha Samudram marks the second directorial outing of Ajay Bhupathi after the superhit RX100 starring Kartikeya and Payal Rajput. The film has Sharwanand, Siddharth, Anu Emmanuel and Aditi Rao Hydari in the lead roles. Now according to the latest report, Maha Samduram collected Rs 2.58 Cr shares at the box office of both Telugu states- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on its opening day. Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture is produced by Ramabrahmam Sunkara under AK Entertainments whereas it has the music by Chaitan Bharadwaj.
The area-wise break up of Maha Samudram are as follows:
Nizam : Rs 87 L
Ceeded : Rs 45 L
UA : Rs 31 L
East : Rs 18 L
West : Rs 14 L
Guntur : Rs 35 L
Krishna : Rs 15 L
Nellore : Rs 13 L
Total AP/TS Box Office Collections of the movie Maha Samudram : Rs 2.58 Cr (Rs 4.4 Cr Gross)
Ka+ROI : Rs 10 L
OS : Rs 18 L
Total Worldwide collection of Maha Samudram : Rs 2.86 CR( Rs 5 Cr Gross)
On the otherside, Siddharth will be next seen working with Kamal Haasan and Kajal Aggarwal in action drama Indian 2, which is being directed by Shankar.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood