Maha Samudram is an upcoming Telugu action drama in which Sharwanand and Siddharth are playing the lead roles. The movie helmed by Ajay Bhupathi, is carrying the good buzz. The entire team of this much hyped movie is busy in the promotional activities. Recently during the media interaction, Ajay Bhupathi talked about Maha Samduram and shared his first review on the film. About the story Ajay Bhupathi said, “ Maha Samudram is all about the story of two friends and their love lives. The story takes place in the Vizag coastal area and it revolves around the people living there. The main highlight of the film is the deep bonding between the friends.”
Ajay Bhupathi added, “Aditi Rao Hydari is playing Maha whereas Anu Emmanuel is essaying the role of a lawyer.”
RX 100 fame Ajay said, “I had approached a few heroes initially, but they rejected the offer as it’s a multi-starrer. Later I offered the role to Sharwanand and Siddharth. The love doesn’t have boundaries and we cannot explain or measure our love for our loved ones. That is the main reason why I gave that caption.”
Maha Samduram is produced by Anil Sunkara. Ajay Bhupathi concluded it by saying that the movie lovers will not remember the actors- Sharwa and Siddhu but only their characters while coming out of cinema halls after watching Maha Samudram.
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