The young producer Mahesh Koneru died of cardiac arrest today morning. He is known for bankrolling the movies like 118 with Nandamuri Kalyanram, Police Vari Heccharika, Thimmarusu starring Sathyadev Kancharana, and Sabhaku Namaskaram. His last movie that released in the cinema hall was Sabhaku Namaskaram in which Allari Naresh played the lead role. He has also acted in few movies as the a guest appearance. He was very close to Nandamuri heroes- Young Tiger Jr NTR and Kalyan Ram. Mahesh Koneru was also the PRO of Jr NTR.
Telugu media and the film industry are shocked at the untimely death of producer and PRO Mahesh Koneru.
Jr NTR is heartbroken with his good friend’s passing and he took to his twitter to share an emotional post, “With the heaviest of heart and in utter disbelief, I am letting you all know that my dearest friend Mahesh Koneru is no more. I am shell shocked and utterly speechless. My sincerest condolences to his family and his near and dear.”
The film director Harish Shankar wrote, “It’s unbelievable, such a wonderful friend and a human being. We always had plans of working together and this is not fair buddy. Don’t know what to say for this saddening and shocking news.”
With the heaviest of heart and in utter disbelief, I am letting you all know that my dearest friend @SMKoneru is no more. I am shell shocked and utterly speechless.
My sincerest condolences to his family and his near and dear.
— Jr NTR (@tarak9999) October 12, 2021
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