The Movie theatres in Andhra Pradesh will be allowed to function with 100 per cent occupancy, the AP government has announced in fresh guidelines as a part of the phased ease of restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic. AP government, headed by CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, has permitted the cinema halls/theaters to operate with 100 per cent capacity from Thursday.
For some time now, the filmmakers from Telugu film Industry are urging the state government to allow theatres to work with 100 per cent occupancy. Finally AP government have issued the permission, the Telangana state government has been allowing 100 per cent seating since June.
A new govt order has been issued in this regard. The new G.O will help the Dasara releases like Sharwanand and Siddharth starrer much hyped movie Maha Samudram, Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde starrre romantic and comedy movie Most Eligible Bachelor, and Roshan and Sreelela film Pelli SandaD.
The move by AP govt has been welcomed by many and comes as a relief to cinema halls. The number of coronavirus cases has also seen a decline in the past weeks. The latest decision by AP govt on 100 per cent capacity will help the filmmakers to enter into profit zones.
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