It is known that after a long gap, Siddharth is making his comeback in Tollywood with Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture Maha Samudram which also has Sharwanand in the lead role. Now according to the latest report, Siddharth is currently in London for a minor surgery. Since the actor is in London, he missed attending the trailer launch of his Maha Samudram. When the people asked about Siddharth’ absence, Ajay Bhupathi informed the media that he has gone to London for surgery and soon he will come back to the city. However, details regarding Siddharth’ surgery are still unknown.
In Tollywood, Siddharth was last seen in the film Jabardasth in 2013. Maha Samudram is bankrolled by Anil Sunkara under AK Entertainments and it is a bilingual movie which will be released in Telugu and Tamil on 14th October 2021.
Meanwhile, Siddharth is quite excited to make a comeback in Telugu film Industry. Maha Samudram is touted to be a love story also has Aditi Rao Hydari, and Anu Emmanuel in the female leads role.
Meanwhile Siddharth is currently waiting for the arrival of Orey Baammardhi, which is the Telugu dubbed movie of Sivappu Manjal Pachai. He will also be seen in Escaype Live, a Hindi series.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood