It is known that Ram Charan is going to work with Shankar for a film which is tentatively titled RC15. The movie will be launched tomorrow with a formal pooja ceremony. Kiara Advani who will share the screen space with Ram Charan in Shankar’ directorial venture, has already landed in Hyderabad. Now according to the latest report, Ram Charan and Kiara Advani have wrapped up the photoshoot for RC15 today at Annapurna Studios.
Mega Power Star Ram Charan underwent a special look test and photoshoot for the film and a crazy photo shoot in different looks was shot.
The sources revealed that Ram Charan arrived in his new swanky Ferrari for the photoshoot, which he bought recently.
RC15 is a big budget Pan Indian project which is bankrolled by Dil Raju and it marks Ram Charan’s 15th film and Dil Raju’s 50th film and hence tentatively titled RC15 and SVC50.
It is known that Ram and Kiara had earlier worked together in Boyapati Srinu’ directorial venture, the action drama Vinaya Vidheya Rama.
SS Thaman is on the board to compose the music of this film and award-winning dialogue writer Sai Madhav Burra is also the part of RC15. Jani Master is the choreographer.
#RC15 photoshoot happened at Annapurna Studios Today #RamCharan #Shankar #KiaraAdvani
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) September 7, 2021
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