The Social message oriented movie Acharya marks Ram Charan and Megastar Chiranjeevi’ first on-screen collaboration. The Koratala Siva directorial venture is a big budget drama which has Kajal Aggarwal and Pooja Hegde as the leading ladies. It is known that on the occasion of Ugadi, the makers of Acharya introduced dusky beauty Pooja Hegde as Neelambari from Acharya. Pooja Hegde plays the love interest of Ram Charan’s character Siddha in the movie starring Chiranjeevi. Earlier, Pooja Hegde collaborated with Charan for a special song, “Jigelu Rani” in village based drama Rangasthalam in 2018, helmed by Sukumar. Acharya marks her first collaboration with Ram Charan as the female lead.
Recently during the media interaction, Pooja Hegde revealed, “The movie Acharya is like a dream come true for me as it has been a long standing aspiration for me to share the screen space with Megastar Chiranjeevi garu.”
Acharya has a Maoist backdrop and revolves around the theme of misuse of power. Niranjan Reddy of Matinee Entertainments is producing this movie in association with Ram Charan’ banner Konidela Production Company whereas it has the music by Mani Sharma.
On the otherside, Pooja Hegde will be seen sharing the screen space with Prabhas in Radha Krishna Kumar’ directorial venture Radhe Shyam.
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