The new season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss Telugu went on air on Sunday with a grand opening ceremony. Once again, King Nagarjuna made his comeback as a host. He introduced 19 contestants, who had gone through a slew of tests and mandatory quarantine period to make sure none of them carries the coronavirus into the Bigg Boss house.
Popular TV anchors, serial actors, film actors, radio jockeys and YouTubers were among the diverse group of contestants, who will be living together in a constrained space for next 100 days. Apparently, Anchor Ravi, Sarayu, RJ Kajal, Hamida, Maanas, and Jaswath Padala are in the nominations this time. The TV lovers are in the shock as RJ Kajal and Anchor Ravi are in the nomination list.
The nominations episode of Nagarjuna hosted Bigg Boss 5 Telugu will be aired today on Star Maa at 10 pm. Now we have to wait and see until next Sunday to know who will the first contestant to get eliminated.
Ravi Kiran is not only the TV anchor, but he is also a RJ, and actor. In 2017, Ravi made his debut as a lead actor with Idi Maa Prema Katha. On the otherside, Kajal is a RJ, dubbing artist and a social media influencer.
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