The much awaited Bigg Boss 5 Telugu, was finally launched with a grand premiere yesterday evening. Nagarjuna Akkineni returned to the show as a host after the successful third season.
Host Nagarjuna introduced 19 contestants. Premiere episode concluded with Vishwa giving away the single bed to Priyanka. According to the latest report, Nagarjuna has hiked his remuneration for 5th season of Bigg Boss Telugu.
It is known that King Nagarjuna was also the host of 3rd season and he was apparently charged Rs 12 lakhs each episode. Later he hiked his salary slightly for the 4th season. However, for season 5, Nagarjuna has hiked his fees by about 15 per cent and this time he is charging between Rs 11-12 crore for the entire season. However, there is no official word regarding the remuneration of the actor by makers of the controversial reality show.
This season of Bigg Boss has an interesting line up of contestants that includes actors, TV celebs and social media influencers as well. The popular show promises to deliver on the five key aspects of entertainment, drama, romance, action and fun with new tasks, an interesting mix of all the contestants and wholesome entertainment for the entire family.
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