The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 5 Telugu was started from 5th September with Nagarjuna Akkineni as a host. Nagarjuna Akkineni introduced 19 contestants in the premiere, the highest so far in the TV series in Telugu and locked them inside the BB house. This season has an interesting line up of contestants that includes actors, Television celebs and social media influencers as well. Anchor Ravi, who shot to fame as a Video Jockey with the music show Something Special featuring Lasya Manjunath as his co-host, is also one of the contestants. He went on to work as a Radio Jockey in a FM channel for over three years. His popularity grew multifold with the game show Pataas which he co hosted with Sreemukhi and later with Varshini Sounderrajan. Recently Ravi launched the show Happy Days which he is co hosted with Bigg Boss 3 Telugu fame Ashu Reddy.
Now according to the latest report, Anchor Ravi is charging a whopping amount between Rs 2-5 lakh per week.
On the other hand, Lahari Shari, Jaswanth, Sreerama Chandra, Priya and Uma Devi are getting a remuneration between Rs 1-2 lakh per week to stay inside the Bigg Boss house.
The TV lovers have already started debate on the probable winner of the Bigg Boss 5 Telugu show.
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