Ahead of Mahesh Babu’s birthday on 9th August, the makers of upcoming much awaited movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata released first notice from the film. With long hair and the unmatched swag, the poster of Mahesh Babu has now amped up expectations of fans. Coming on the first notice of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Mahesh Babu was seen in an expensive red car even as three bikers are seen in the background.
The makers also announced the release date of the film -13th January, which means the film will arrive at the theaters on the eve of Sankranthi. The first notice of Sarkaru Vaari Paata has now got 100K likes in no time and created a new record in Telugu Film Industry.
The film Sarkaru Vaari Paata is being helmed by Parasuram and is produced jointly by Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar, Ram Achanta and Gopichand Achanta under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers whereas it has the music by Thaman S. R Madhi is cinematography, and Marthand K. Venkatesh is the editor, whereas AS Prakash is the art director of the film.
Keerthy Suresh is playing the female lead and this is the first time, she is sharing the screen space with Mahesh Babu in a film.
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