The young actor Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas’ crime thriller, Rakshasudu, directed by Ramesh Varma was a sensational hit and critically well received, too. The movie completed two years today. The director Ramesh Varma is presently busy in his upcoming directorial venture Khiladi in which Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is playing the lead role. Ramesh Varma has already officially confirmed that he would come up with Rakshasudu 2, which would be bankrolled by Koneru Satyanarayana.
A sequel to Rakshasudu, the shoot will begin soon. A star hero will feature in the film and the name of the actor will be revealed soon. Though few are saying that Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas to return for the sequel. On the occasion of the movie Rakshasudu completing two years today, the producer revealed some interesting aspects of upcoming movies.
The producer said, “The Telugu film Rakshasudu 2 will be of Hollywood standards and it will be made on the budget of Rs 100 Crore. A top actor will play the lead role in this film, which will have loads of action and thrill. It will be entirely canned in London.”
The technical team that worked on the action thriller Rakshasudu will also be part of Rakshasudu 2. Satyanarayana Koneru of A Studios will produce the film for Havish Production, whereas Ghibran will render the tune.
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