It is known that Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor played the lead role in the movie Kabir Singh which was the Hindi remake of Telugu blockbuster movie Arjun Reddy starring the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey. Hindi Arjun Reddy actor Shahid Kapoor on Sunday teased that he is set to collaborate with South star Vijay Sethupathi for his upcoming series helmed by filmmaker duo Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK, who will make his digital debut with the untitled Amazon Prime Video series. Shahid also tagged Vijay Sethupathi and his co-star, Raashii Khanna.
The web drama has been created and written by Raj and DK. It is co-written by Suman Kumar, Sita R Menon and Hussain Dalal. There has been no official announcement from Amazon on the casting of Uppena actor Vijay Sethupathi.
He is also known for performances in Tamil films like Super Deluxe and Master, for which he won the National Award for the best supporting actor.
On the otherside, Shahid Kaporo will be seen playing the lead role in Jersey, which is remake of Telugu film of Same name starring Nani and Shraddha Das. He will play the role of a cricketer alongside Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapoor.
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