On the occasion of Ashwin Babu’ birthday, the makers of his upcoming film Hidimba, launched the first look poster. Coming on the first look poster of Hidimba, Ashwin Babu is seen in action avatar. The blood is dripping from his head and he is getting ready for the fight. Touted to be high voltage action drama, the upcoming film Hidimba is being directed by Anil Krishna Kanneganti and is bankrolled by Gangapatnam Sridhar under the banner of Sri Vignesh Karthik Cinemas whereas it has the music by Vikas Badisa.
Ashwin Babu starrer Hidmiba has Nanditha Swetha as the leading lady. The shoot of Hidmiba is going on at the brisk pace and the makers have already wrapped up 50 percent of the shoot. Hidimba is the name of a Demon’s King.
Ashwin Babu is known for acting in popular movies like Raju Gari Gadhi 3, Raju Gari Gadhi 2. His previous film to hit the theatres was Raju Gari Gadhi 3 in the year 2019. Raju Gari Gadhi 3 was helmed by Omkar.
Nanditha Swetha made her acting debut in the Tamil Language with the 2012 comedy film Attakathi. Her Telugu debut was Tamil comedy film Attakathi, which was released in 2012. This year she was seen playing the female lead in Kapatadhaari.
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