Set in Kolkata, Shyam Singha Roy is directed by Rahul Sankrityan, which has natural Star Nani in the lead role. Written by Satyadev Janga, the film’s music is composed by Mickey J Meyer. Sanu John Varghese and Naveen Nooli are handling the cinematography and editing, respectively. Now according to the latest report, the shoot of Shyam Singha Roy has been wrapped up. The makers confirmed the same by releasing a new poster today. Shyam Singha Roy revolves around the theme of reincarnation.
Sai Pallavi, Krithi Shetty and Madonna Sebastian are playing the female leads. The movie also features Bengali actor Jisshu Sengupta, Murali Sharma, Rahul Ravindran and Abhinav Gomatam in supporting roles.
On 9th May, on the occasion of Sai Pallavi’ birthday, the team launched the first look poster of the actress that featured her in a red saree, sporting a fierce look. Holding a trishul in her hand, she seemed to be celebrating the festivities during Durga puja.
Nani starrer Shyam Singha Roy is produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under the banner of Niharika Entertainment. On the otherside, Nani awaits the release of his upcoming family drama Tuck Jagadish, co-starring actors Aishwarya Rajesh and Ritu Varma. Sai Pallavi will be seen playing the female lead in Love Story and Virata Parvam.
Its Done
With the Super Energetic Cast & Supportive Crew, Wrapped up the Shoot Journey of #ShyamSinghaRoy #SSRShootWrapped
Natural @NameisNani @Sai_Pallavi92 @IamKrithiShetty @MadonnaSebast14 @NeerajaKona @SVR4446 @Rahul_Sankrityn @vboyanapalli @NiharikaEnt
— BARaju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) July 26, 2021
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