We have already reported that Businessman Raj Kundra, husband of actor and businesswoman Shilpa Shetty, was arrested by Mumbai cop in pornography case. Shilpa Shetty has posted for the first time since her husband Raj Kundra’ arrest. The actress took her Instagram to share a meaningful post about surviving the challenges. She shared a photo of a quote that read, “I take a deep breath, knowing that I am lucky to be alive. I have survived challenges in the past and I will survive challenges in the future. Nothing need to distract me from living my life today.”
Raj Kundra was arrested for creating the pornography content for the mobile applications. The police said it had sufficient evidence against Raj Kundra and they also clarified that investigations have revealed no active role of the actress Shilpa Shetty. There were two aspects of the police probe. One was nabbing those who produced these porn movies and the other focused on those who broadcast these clips. Some of these production houses broadcast from servers outside the country.
A Police officer said that it was Raj Kundra’s alleged connection to Kamat and the company that uploaded such pornographic content that landed him in trouble.
Mumbai Police confirmed that Shilpa Shetty would not be served summons in Raj Kundra case.
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