Young Tiger Jr NTR, who is regarded as one of the most bankable stars in the Telugu film industry, is also known to be a family man. He is going to celebrate the birthday of his loving son Nandamuri Abhay Ram today on 22nd July. Tarak’ elder son turned seven years old on Thursday and the photograph of his birthday celebration shared by the fans of Jr NTR are going viral on the social media.
Jr NTR is the grandson of Telugu actor and former Chief Minister Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao. However, he created a niche for himself with his power packed performances in the movies Simhadri, Aadi, Student No 1, Yamadonga, Temper, Jai Lava Kusa, Janatha Garage and many more.
Tarak has consistently been successful in winning the hearts of the masses in a career spanning almost two decades in the Telugu film Industry. Jr NTR and Lakshmi Pranathi tied the knot on 5th May 2011, in a royal wedding in Hyderabad. They were blessed with their first son Abhay Ram on 22nd July 2014 and another boy Bhargava Ram was born on 14th June, 2018.
On the work front, Jr NTR is currently working with SS Rajamouli for RRR, which also has Ram Charan in the lead role.
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