It is known that Young Rebel star Prabhas will be seen sharing the screen space with Deepika Padukone in an upcoming untitled Science fiction drama which will be directed by Nag Ashwin who is known for making Mahanati, the biopic of legendary South Indian actress Savitri. Bollywood megastar Big B aka Amitabh Bachchan will also be seen playing the crucial role in Nag Ashwin’ directorial venture. A formal muhurat ceremony will be held in Hyderabad, with Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan gracing it.
Amitabh Bachchan confirmed the same by sharing a post on Twitter where he said, “travelled, and the mahurat of first day tomorrow, a new movie a new beginning , a new . New never fades. it grows exponentially.”
This is the first time Prabhas and Deepika Padukone are collaborating for a film, which is being bankrolled by Vyjayanthi Movies.
Earlier during an interview, Nag Ashwin had said, “I am very excited to see Deepika Padukone play this character. It is something no mainstream lead has done before and it will be quite a surprise for everyone. The pairing of Deepika Padukone and Prabhas will be one of the main highlights of the film and the story between them.”
On the otherside, Prabhas will also be seen playing the lead role in Radhe Shyam, Salaar and Adipurush.
T 3975 – .. travelled .. and the mahurat of first day tomorrow .. a new film a new beginning , a new environ ..
‘NEW’ never fades .. it grows exponentially— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 23, 2021
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