Power Star Pawan Kalyan starrer Tholi Prema was the debut venture of director AK Karunakaran, who is known for his romantic and comedy movies. The movie Tholi Prema had bagged both the National Award (Best Feature Film in Telugu) and the state’s prestigious Nandi Award for Best Feature Film. The movie has also been credited as one of the films which truly established Pawan Kalyan as an actor. The movie Tholi Prema completed 23 years as it was released on 24th July 1998.
Even two decades after the movie Tholi Prema remains one of the classic romantic films. Today on this special occasion, Pawan Kalyan fans have been sharing stills and clips from Tholi Prema as they relive the memories and celebrate 23 years of its release. Several fans are trending hashtag #23YearsForTholiPrema.
One of the fan said, “A Middle class Boy, Scolding Dad, Teasing Sister, Helping Friends, Mother & One Side Love….! It’s Not Just a Movie, Every Teenage Boy Routine Lifestyle. Pawan Kalyan #23yearsforTholiprema.” Another fan said, “Pawan Kalyan made his mark in the hearts of Telugu audience #23YearsForTholiprema.”
In Tholi Prema, Pawan Kalyan shared the screen space with Keerthi Reddy. Apart from them, the movie also had Narra Venkateswara Rao, Vasuki, Nagesh, Achyuth, Ravi Babu, Ali, Venu, PJ Sharma and Sangeetha, among others.
23 years for Turning Point in Power Star #PawanKalyan @PawanKalyan‘s Career, Biggest Blockbuster #TholiPrema Directed by A Karunakaran, Produced by GVG Raju (24/07/1998)#23YearsForTholiprema pic.twitter.com/gwHmX3AjiL
— BARaju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) July 24, 2021
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