Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela, who has a lot of craze in Bollywood, made her international debut in the music field recently with the video ‘Versace Baby’ with Egyptian Mohamed Ramadan. Recently she was also in the news headline when she posed with a python. She is a perfect example of hotness alert.
Urvashi is not only popular for s*xy dances moves in her movies but also for sharing her bold pics from photoshoots on Instagram to impress her fans. Her beauty and classy touch to each outfit, makes her one of the most followed actresses of Bollywood on social media. Recently Urvashi Rautela took mud bath and shared the pics on her Instagram which are going viral on the social media.
Urvashi Rautela came up with the interesting caption, “Cleopatra was an early lover of a mud bath, whereas the modern fans includes me. Enjoying the red mud of a Balearic beach. It’s said to have been used as a mirror by Venus, Roman goddess of love. Its mineral rich mud is considered therapeutic and good for the skin. The Mud really can be a muddy marvel. Mud Baths are still heralded today for their ability to detoxify and draw out impurities, improve circulation, soften skin, and ease aches and pains.”
Urvasi Rautela is making her debut in Telugu film Industry with the movie Black roses.
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