The Telugu political thriller web drama Chadarangam streamed on Zee5 it was one of the most expensive series. This political drama series is written and helmed by Raj Anantha, and backed by Vishnu Manchu under the banner of 24 frames factory, and it has Sunainaa, Jeeva, Srikanth, Ravi Prakash, Chalapathi Rao and Nagineedu in the supporting roles. Now according to the latest report, the actor and producer Vishnu Manchu’ Chadarangam has won the award for the best web series in regional category.
e4m Group came up with the Streaming Media Awards 2021 to honor the excellence in the on demand video and the audio content. In the following suit, Manchu Vishnu’ first production OTT venture – Chadarangam has won this award.
Manchu Vishnu himself confirmed the same by sharing a post on Twitter as he wrote, “Thank you for the recognition!. Srikanth garu, director Raj, executive producer Vijay, the entire cast and crew deserve this & Zee5 for trusting me. To be the best Regional web series across India, in all platforms, is a proud moment to us Chadarangam.”
Srikanth played the lead role in the web series Chadarangam which received positive response by the viewers after it was streamed on Zee5.
Thank you for the recognition!. #Srikanth garu, director Raj, executive producer my buddy Vijay, the entire cast &crew deserve this & @Zee5 for trusting me. To be the best Regional web series across India, in all platforms, is a proud moment to us #Chadarangam
— Vishnu Manchu (@iVishnuManchu) May 14, 2021
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