Ek Mini Katha, is a Telugu, romantic and comedy movie, which is streaming on Amazon Prime. The film has Santosh Sobhan, Brahmaji, Saptagiri, Kavya Thapar, Shraddha Das, Sudarshan, Posani Krishna Murali, Harsha Vardhan, helmed by Karthik Rapolu and bankrolled by UV Concepts, is receiving positive response by the movie lovers and the critics.
Young Rebel Star Prabhas and Mega Power Star Ram Charan have already showered praises on Ek Mini Katha and now the name of Sharwanand has also been added in this list.
Sharwanand recently watched Santosh Sobhan and Kavya Thapar starrer Ek Mini Katha and shared his review, he said, “ Watched Ek Mini Katha, It has a fresh feel with a unique concept. Kudos to the makers for picking an unusual subject. It is a perfect laugh riot.” Jaanu actor called Ek Mini Katha a laugh riot.
Karthik Rapolu and screenwriter Merlapaka Gandhi have a relevant and compelling subject in this Telugu film Ek Mini Katha. And they both have turned in a movie that offers genuine moments of the laughter and a few unexpected comedic twists. Santosh Sobhan starrer film has a strong storyline and is winning the heart of the movie lovers and the celebrities.
On the work front, Sharwanand will be seen playing the lead role in Maha Samudram.
Watched #EkMiniKatha. It has a fresh feel with a unique concept. Kudos to the makers for picking an unusual subject. It’s a perfect laugh riot
Watch #EkMiniKathaOnPrime here : https://t.co/5Ivb14jgXU
— Sharwanand (@ImSharwanand) May 27, 2021
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