It is known news that Nani has wrapped up the shoot of upcoming film Tuck Jagadish, which is one of the much awaited movies of Tollywood. The release of Tuck Jagadish was postponed due to the surge in Covid-19 cases. Earlier, the film was scheduled to be in the theatres on 23th April. Now the reports are coming that the movie Tuck Jagadish is gearing up for the release on OTT platform.
The lead actor Nani has also given his initial nod for the digital release of Tuck Jagadish and the makers are busy finalizing the deals. Tuck Jagadish is a family drama which is helmed by Shiva Nirvana and is bankrolled by Shine Screens. The reports are coming that the producers of Tuck Jagadish have sold the entire theatrical deals to Laxman and he closed the deals separately in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
The film makers are now in talks to cancel the theatrical deal and the final call will be taken in the coming week. After finalizing everything, the makers of Tuck Jagadish will make an official announcement regarding the digital streaming date very soon.
Tuck Jagadish has Pelli choopulu fame Ritu Varma and World Famous Lover fame Aishwarya Rajesh in the female leads whereas Jagapathi Babu is playing the crucial role.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood