Mega Prince Varun Tej is currently working for upcoming film Ghani which has Saiee Manjrekar as the leading lady. In this film Varun Tej will be seen as a boxer. Now according to the latest report, the makers of Ghani have hired Hollywood stunt choreographers Larnell Stovall and Vlad Rimburg for the climax portions of Varun Tej starrer. The makers have also constructed a huge set for the climax episode.
Varun Tej and Saiee M Manjrekar starrer Ghani is bankrolled by Allu Bobby and Sidhu Mudda, and the upcoming sport based drama marks the directorial debut of Kiran Korrapati. It is known that the shooting was halted due to the second wave of the coronavirus and the makers are planning to resume the shoot once the situation becomes normal.
Apart from the lead pair, the film Ghani has Upendra, Suniel Shetty, and Naveen Chandra in the crucial roles.
According to the producer Sidhu Mudda, the team has already wrapped up 70% of the shoot and the next schedule will commence once the second wave of Coronavirus subsides. Varun Tej starrer Ghani has a backdrop of boxing. Larnell Stovall and Vlad Rimburg, Hollywood stunt masters who have previously worked on Titans and Hindi movie Sulthan, will work on the action portions.
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