The producers of Icon Star Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna starrer action thriller drama Pushpa have already confirmed that Sukumar’ directorial venture will be released in two parts. The sources say that Pushpa is being made on an extravagant scale with an intriguing story and strong characters. Rangasthalam fame Sukumar believes that the content has scope to be developed into a two part film and the director has revised the script accordingly. The producers have also decided to increase the budget by a significant amount. Now the reports are coming that the makers of Pushpa have also decided to increase the glamour dose.
Earlier there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Pushpa will have a special song and a top heroine will be seen shaking a leg for this item song. Now it is being heard that as Pushpa is divided into two parts, there will be one more song in the other part as well.
So, the fans of Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna will have a special treat in both parts and can see multiple heroines in Pushpa.
The shoot of Pushpa was halted recently after Allu Arjun tested positive for Coronavirus. Yesterday he confirmed that he tested negative and met his kids Allu Aryaan and Allu Arha.
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