Yesterday the makers of upcoming Hindi film Radhe Your Most Wanted Bhai unveiled a new song, Seetimaar, from the film. After the launch of Seetimaar song, Salman Khan also thanked Telugu star Allu Arjun for the way the latter had performed in the original song Seeti Maar in action drama DJ. Seetimaar song is an adaptation of the Allu Arjun and Pooja Hegde original, also called Seeti Maar, from DJ aka Duvvada Jagannadham. The music was sensational music composer by Devi Sri Prasad, who has worked on this one too. Several netizens have been saying that the energy of Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Pooja Hegde’s Seeti Maar is missing in Salman Khan, Disha Patani’s version in Radhe. Few comments by the netizens on Youtube are as follows:
Datta: Unable to stop laughing seeing salman Khan’s dance
Surekha Sadashanker: I don’t know why but I am laughing a lot looking at him
Russian Spetsnaz fan Muay thai fighter: Nobody’s Can dance like Stylish Star Allu Arjun And Swag..
Luv Dhun: Nobody can match the grace,style of Allu arjun ….AA is the best Seeti Maar
Bhautik Baldaniya: The movie director is prabhudeva and even can’t teach salman how to dance
Arushi Mishra: Allu Arjun :- kya kar rhe ho Salman bhoi :- aapki copy Allu Arjun:- vo to tumhara pura bollywood nhi kar skta
Abhijit Mote: Allu: SiTTi Mar SiTTi Mar Salman Khan: Apun Ko Kya Apun Ko To Sirf Copy Karna Hai.
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