On 7th April, on the occasion of Word Health Day, Television actress Sayantani Ghosh shared a long post on body positivity and she also opened up about how she slammed a troll who asked her bra size. Naagin 4 fame actress Sayantani Ghosh said, “Yesterday in one of my interactive sessions someone asked me my bra size.”
According to Sayantani, she gave the person a befitting reply but she felt there is so much more she want to talk about. The Naaginn actress said, “ Any form of thebody shaming is bad! Period. But I struggle to wrap my head around the fact that what is this fascination towards female b*easts? what size it is ????? A cup, B, C or D etc ???? And it is not only the boys, even us the girls have this sort of a conditioning!”
In her post, Sayantani Ghosh said, “Does size really matter?” Kumkum actress also urged females to speak up for themselves.
Sayantani Ghosh is popular for acting in popular TV shows- Naaginn, Kumkum – Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan, Mahabharat, Naamkarann, Naagin Barrister Babu. The beautiful actress was also the contestant of the 2012 controversial reality series Bigg Boss 6. Currently she is working for the TV show Tera Yaar Hoon Mai.
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