Young Rebel star Prabhas, who was shooting for the Om Raut’ directorial venture Adipurush in Mumbai, has come back to Hyderabad to reshoot a few scenes of his next, Radhe Shyam. The Radhe Shyam which has Pooja Hegde as the leading lady, is set for a theatrical release on 30th July.
Apart from the lead pair, the film Radhe Shyam also has Bhagyashree, Sachin Khedekar, Priyadarshi Pulikonda, Murli Sharma, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Riddhi Kumar, Sasha Chettri and Sathyan in the crucial roles. Prabhas has joined the sets of Radhe Shyam yesterday and the makers are canning crucial scenes in this finale schedule.
The team of Radhe Shyam has erected a giant set. The ongoing schedule of Radhe Shyam is quite crucial because the team is said to be reshooting some important scenes upon Baahubali star Prabhas’ insistence. Apparently, Prabhas watched the film’s edited version earlier this month and as he was not happy with the few scenes, asked the makers to reshoot it.
Pooja Hegde is playing a medico in Radha Krishna Kumar directorial venture Radhe Shyam, which is jointly backed by Gopikrishna Movies and UV Creations banners . It is a big budget pan-India film, which will hit the theaters on 30th July.
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