Ever since Om Raut announced ‘Adipurush’ with Young Rebel star Prabhas, every news regarding the big budget project has been doing the rounds on the internet. The upcoming big budget Pan Indian project also has Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and he is finalized to lock horns with Prabhas as the ‘Most Intelligent Demon’ Lankesh. B town lady Kriti Sanon has been roped in to portray the role of Goddess Sita. The regular shoot of Adipurush has been started a couple of months ago but now the makers have stalled the shoot of Prabhas starrer due to the second wave of Covid-19.
Recently during the media interaction, Om Raut, the director of Adipurush, said the film would almost entirely be shot in a studio and they were using the best in class 3D technology for this pan Indian film. According to Om Raut, the film Adipurush will be high on VFX and CGI. The makers have allotted a huge budget for the VFX work of Adipurush.
It is also being heard that Adipurush will be completely shot in green mat technology. Several Hollywood movies like 300, Aquaman, Gravity and Sin City have been shot entirely on Green Screen. Prabhas and Kriti Sanon starrer Adipurush is slated to hit the theaters on 11th August.
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