Today, on the occasion of his mother Indira Devi’ birthday, Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu shared the birthday wish for her on social media. Bharat Ane Nenu star picked a photograph of himself and his mom Indira devi from an event and accompanied it with a short yet sweet note. In his post, Mahesh Babu said: Happy birthday Amma.. Grateful for you everyday.” Coming on the pic, Mahesh Babu is seen smiling and walking with his mother and it is one of the most adorable mother and son moments.
The former Miss India and Mahesh Babu’ wife Namrata Shirodkar also penned a heartfelt note for mother in law Indira Devi, “To the most nurturing person I know, her kindness and strength continue to inspire me everyday.. Happy birthday to my Mummy.”
On the work front, Maharshi fame Mahesh Babu was last seen in Anil Ravipudi’ directorial venture Sarileru Neekevvaru. The action and romantic drama also featured Kannada lady Rashmika Mandanna, Vijayashanti, Prakash Raj, Rajendra Prasad, Vennela Kishore and Murali Sharma in the crucial roles. Sarileru Neekevvaru was Mahesh Babu’ 3rd consecutive hit after the 2019 film Maharshi, and the 2018 Bharat Ane Nenu.
On the otherside, currently Mahesh Babu is sharing the screen space with Mahanati fame Keerthy Suresh in Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
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