It is known news that Tamil actor Vijay and Young Tiger Jr NTR admire each other. The director Atlee had also expressed his liking for Aravinda Sametha Veera Ragahva and Jai Lava Kusa fame Jr NTR during the promotional activities of the film Whistle. Later Tarak fans supported the film Whistle making it a hit at the box office.
The bonding between the fans of Tarak and Vijay had grabbed many eyeballs on that occasion. Now if ongoing buzz in the media and the film industry are to be believed, Jr NTR is all set to work with Vijay for a multistarrer. If everything goes accordingly and things materialize, Tamil top director Atlee will helm this project. The official confirmation regarding this big budget multistarrer is awaited.
Jr NTR is currently working with SS Rajamouli for a film RRR, which is big budget pan Indian film, which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya, and it is slated to hit the theaters on 13th October Worldwide. RRR also has Ram Charan in the lead role and Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris will be seen in the crucial roles. After wrapping up the shoot of RRR, Jr NTR will join the sets of Koratala Siva’ directorial venture.
On the otherside, Vijay Was last seen playing the lead role in Master which was a blockbuster at the box office.
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