Megastar Chiranjeevi has sent the best wishes to Mohanlal’ son Pranav Mohanlal after the release of the first look poster of the upcoming youthful entertainer Hridayam. The film Hridayam is being helmed by Vineeth Sreenivasan and it also has Kalyani Priyadarshan and Darshana Rajendran in the female lead role. The expectations are very high because of its star cast and the director Vineeth Sreenivasan.
The shoot of Pranav Mohanlal starrer Hridayam’ was fast progressing before the lockdown was announced last year. Chiranjeevi, who is busy in his upcoming big budget film Acharya, took to his Twitter and wished Pranav Mohanlal and the team of Hridayam.
Pranav starrer Hridayam is being bankrolled by Noble Babu Thomas and Visakh Subramaniam under the banner of Big Bang Entertainments in association with Merryland Cinemas whereas it has the music by Hesham Abdul Wahab. Apart from Pranav Mohanlal, Kalyani Priyadarshan, Darshana Rajendran, the film also has Vijayaraghavan, Aju Varghese, Arun Kurian and Baiju Santhosh in the crucial roles. The youthful drama Hridayam marks the 3rd outing of Pranav Mohanlal as a lead actor.
The movie Hridayam is all about the story of lead character essayed by Pranav Mohanlal from the age of 17 to the early 30s.
Best wishes to @impranavlal son of my dear friend #Lalettan @Mohanlal and the entire team of @hridayamthefilm @kalyanipriyan @darshanarajend #VineethSreenivasan @merrylandcine #BigBangEntertainments #Hridayam #HridayamFirstLook
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) April 18, 2021
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