The young actor Kartikeya is known for acting in RX 100 and 90 ML. He was last seen playing the lead role in romantic and action drama Chaavu Kaburu Challaga in which he shared the screen space with Lavanya Tripathi. The movie Chaavu Kaburu Challaga was arrived at the theaters on 19th March 2021 and received mixed response and the collections were also not up to the mark. But Kartikeya starrer Chaavu Kaburu Challaga is hit on OTT Platform Aha.
Helmed Koushik Pegellapati, this movie was bankrolled by Geetha Arts. Currently the re edited version of the movie is streaming on Allu Aravind’ Aha. Aha recently released a re-edited version of Chaavu Kaburu Challaga and Kartikeya and Lavanya Tripathi starrer film turned out to be a smash hit as it has crossed 100 Million views in less than 3 days.
Apart from the lead pair, the movie Chaavu Kaburu Challaga also has Murali Sharma, Rajitha, Srikanth Iyyengar, Aamani, Mahesh, Bhadram and Prabhu in the supporting roles. Kartikeya is playing the role of Basthi Balaraju who fell in love with a nurse Mallika, essayed by Lavanya.
On the otherside, Kartikeya is playing the role of NIA officer in an upcoming untitled film, which will be directed by newcomer Sri Saripalli.
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