Pakistani actress Saba Qamar, is well known face for the Hindi movie lovers as she has acted in few Hindi movies. She is known for acting opposite Irrfan Khan in Hindi Medium. Now according to the latest update, Saba Qamar has called off her wedding. Hindi Medium actress was all set to get married with Azeem Khan, a blogger and entrepreneur Azeem Khan but the actress decided to call off the wedding due to personal reasons. A lady had accused Azeem Khan of s*xual harassment a few days after he announced his engagement with Saba Qamar. On the otherside, Azeem had even addressed the allegations in a video message posted on Insta and denied the accusations but later he deleted the video.
Saba Qamar shared a post on her Instagram and revealed that she has never met Azeem Khan, and they were in contact only by phone. Now, due to a lot of personal reasons she has decided to call off her wedding with Azeem Khan. They are not getting married now.
Saba Qamar is involved with several humanitarian causes and is vocal about issues faced by the ladies and children. She has also participated in concert tours and stage shows, has featured as a host and comedian on the political satire Hum Sab Umeed Se Hain, and launched her on YouTube channel in the year 2020.
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