Hit fame Vishwak Sen is currently working for his upcoming romantic movie Paagal. In this film, Vishwak will be seen sharing the screen space with two actresses Simran Choudhary and Megha Lekha. Paagal also has Nivetha Thomas. Apparently, Nivetha Pethuraj plays a crucial role comes at a crucial juncture of Vishwak Sen starrer. Now the makers of Paagal have decided to release the lyrical song Saradaga Kasepaina on 1st April that features Vishwak Sen and Nivetha Pethuraj. The makers confirmed the same by releasing a new poster on the twitter.
Coming on the poster, both Vishwak and Nivetha Pethuraj are seen walking on a road and the actor is gazing at her. The movie Paagal is being directed by Naresh Kuppili and bankrolled by Bekkem Venugopal and presented by Dil Raju under the banner of Lucky Media. Radhan is part of the technical crew and he is composing the tunes.
Vishwak Sen was last seen in investigative thriller drama HIT, which was a decent hit at the box office. The movie also starred Ruhani Sharma. It was about a police officer in search of a missing lady and V Falaknuma Das fame Vishwak Sen played the role of a cop named Vikram Rudraraju in it.
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