The young actor Satyadev who is known for acting in ‘iSmart Shankar’, and ‘Uma Maheswara Ugra Roopasya’, is on the signing spree. According to the latest update, Satyadev has been roped in an upcoming Hindi film Ram Setu in which Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is playing the lead role. Ram Sethu will mark Satyadev’ debut in Hindi film Industry. Akshay Kumar is playing an archaeologist in the film Ram Sethu which is helmed by Abhishek Sharma. Satyadev will play a crucial role in this film.
Yesterday, Akshay Kuamr shared a photo, giving his fans a closer look at his appearance in the film. He was seen wearing a pair of glasses, and wore his hair longer than usual.
The sources say that Akshay Kumar plays an archaeologist and his look and character is inspired by several Indian and international professional archaeologists who work in the field. The movie also has Jacqueline Fernandes and Nushrratt Bharuccha in pivotal roles. Ram Setu has has filmmaker Chandraprakash Dwivedi attached as Creative Producer.
On the work front, Akshay Kumar has many other projects in the pipeline, which are in different production stages. These include Bell Bottom, Sooryavanshi, Prithviraj, Bachchan Pandey and Atrangi Re.
On the otherside Satyadev will be seen in ‘Thimmarasu’, ‘Gurtundaa Seetakalam’, and ‘Godse’.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood