Everyone is aware of Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu and his initiatives through Liitle Hearts Foundation and Andhra Hospital. Maharashi and Bharat Ane Nenu fame actor through his philanthropic activities has ensured that a number of kids receive a new lease of life. Mahesh Babu and Namrata have been saving lives by funding for their heart surgeries. Recently, a little baby named T Supritha got his heart surgery done and is recovering well. This news is confirmed by former beauty queen and actress Namrata, the wife of Mahesh Babu on instagram. Namrata said, “This little baby is T Supritha who was diagnosed with VSD + RSD Stenosis + Sub Aeortic Membrane and underwent a complex heart surgery. Supritha has recovered well and was discharged yesterday.”
Once again Mahesh Babu saved the life of little baby Supritha who was diagnosed with VSD + RSD Stenosis +. She recovered from the surgery and has been discharged from the hospital.
In 2019, Bharat Ane Nenu fame Mahesh has co-sponsored surgeries for 1000 children of different ages suffering from heart ailments. Once again, Superstar Mahesh Babu proved that he is the real Srimanthudu.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu is currently romancing with Keerthy Suresh in an upcoming film Sarkaru vaari Paata.
Little baby T. Supritha, who was diagnosed with VSD and RVD Stenosis + Sub Aortic Membrane and underwent a complex heart surgery. She has recovered well and was discharged yesterday – #NamrataShirodkarGhattamaneni@urstrulyMahesh #MBForSavingHearts pic.twitter.com/XNRqoDmSwW
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) March 30, 2021
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