Priyamani has won millions of hearts with her impeccable fashion sense, adorable smile and unmatched talent. And today, she has managed to create a mark for herself in the showbiz. On social media, there are countless fan pages dedicated to the diva. To treat her fans, Priyamani took her microblogging page and shared a pic of her in which she was seen in black outfit and looked gorgeous. This picture received a number of likes and comments by her fans. But one fan made a strange request that caught everyone’s attention and the actress also replied to him. The netizen asked Priyamani to share a ‘naked’ picture. In reply, the actress Priyamani said, “First ask your sister or mother to post, once they do then I will post.” Later the netizen who realized his mistake, said sorry to her.
On the work front, Priyamani will be seen playing the important role in an upcoming film Virata Parvam. On the occasion of her birthday, the makers of Virata Parvam shared her first look poster. She is playing a Naxalite named Bhrathakka.
Apart from Virata Parvam, Priyamani will also be seen playing the female lead in revenge drama Naarappa in which she is playing Venkatesh’ wife.
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