It is known news that after Khaidi No 150, once again Kajal Aggarwal is sharing the screen space with Megastar Chiranjeevi in an upcoming film Acharya, which is carrying the social message. The movie Acharya is being helmed by Koratala Siva, and Ram Charan is playing an extended cameo in this big budget movie.
The shooting of Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggarwal starrer film is going on in full swing in Hyderabad. According to the latest report, the ground is being prepared for Kajal Aggarwal to get back to shoot once again and this time it will be a combination of scenes with Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan.
This time Koratala Siva is planning to shoot the crucial scenes on trio- Kajajl Aggarwal, Ram Charan and Megastar Chiranjeevi.
We have already reported that post wedding when Kajal Aggarwal returned to the sets of Achaya, megastar Chiranjeevi and team planned a surprise for her and Gautam Kitchlu. They had a cake cutting session with the cast and crew of Acharya. As they cut the cake, Chiru blessed the couple and presented them with bouquets.
Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggarwal starrer Acharya will hit the theatres sometime in 2021. On the otherside, Chiranjeevi is also planning to start the shoot of his next film, which is remake of Malayalam movie Lucifer.
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