Cinematographer KV Guhan who made his directorial debut with Inidhu Inidhu, which was released in 20120, is now coming up with an upcoming film titled WWW (Who…Where…Why) in which Shivani Rajasekhar – daughter of yesteryear actor Rajasekhar, and Aditha Arun will play the lead roles. WWW is a bilingual Telugu Tamil film and it revolves around the internet world. Apart from the lead pair, Shivani Rajasekhar and Aditha Arun, the film WWW also has Sathish, Rajkumar, YouTube sensation Viva Harsha, Satyam Rajesh, and Priyadarshi in the curial roles.
During the media interaction, KV Guhan, who shot the film WWW in Chennai and Hyderabad talked about his project and said, “The upcoming film WWW is a thriller that is shot as a computer screen film and touches upon the online world and to what extent it can take over us. But what happens if anyone strikes us to that door?”
According to KV Guhan, WWW starring Shivani Rajasekhar and Adith, revolves around four friends from different cities working together in a software support company, who face online threats.”
Shivani Rajasekhar and Aditha Arun starrer WWW has the music by Simon K King and Thammiraju is handling the editing department, the film is expected to be out next month.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood