According to the latest buzz in the Telugu film industry, Samantha Akkineni is turning producer. As Rangasthalam actress Samantha is now a daughter-in-law of the Akkineni family, she has a chance to produce the movies. It is being heard that Samantha has invested about Rs 5 Cr in Sudheer Babu and Mohana Krishna Indraganti’s film. And the actress’ celebrity manager Mahendra is producing this upcoming film.
The reports are rife that Samantha is the sleeping partner in this project. Samantha Akkineni’ manager Mahendra Babu has been working with her for more than 5 years. Earlier during an interview, Mahendra had said, “Samantha is like my daughter. She discusses everything with me before committing to a movie. For a movie, Sam only has to attend script narration and everything else are taken care of by me. When Samantha is angry with someone, she comes to me to talk about it. And when she is angry with me, she counts 1 to 10 to cool down!”
In past Mahendra had bankrolled Nara Rohit starrer action drama Balakrishnudu and currently he is bankrolling a film of Sudheer Babu and Mohana Krishna Indraganti. This time, it is being said that Akkineni Bahu Samantha is behind the project.
On the otherside, Samantha will be seen playing negative role in web series The Family Man 2.
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