After delivering woman centric film Rudhramadevi, the film maker Gunasekhar is makinghis comeback in the film industry with an upcoming film ‘Shakuntalam’ which is based on the love story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. The upcoming film is about the romance, marriage, separation and the reunion of love of Shakuntala and Dushyanta. Today on the occasion of New Year, the film maker Gunasekhar took to Twitter to unveil the big reveal motion poster of Shakuntalam and officially confirmed that Samantha is on the board to play the role of Shakuntala.
The film Shakuntalam is still in the stages of casting and Samantha Akkineni is chosen to play the role of Shakuntala in the women eccentric film of Gunasekhar. The director Gunasekhar is planning to launch the film in the month of January and complete it as early as possible. It will be produced by his own banner Guna Team Works and is expected to hit the theaters in late 2021.
Gunasekhar’ magnum opus ‘Shakuntalam’ will have the music by Mani Sharma. The sources say that Gunasekhar is working hard to prove himself with this film after a series of unfortunate flops.
Meanwhile Samantha will be seen playing the negative role in the web series The Family Man 2.
Shaakuntalam.. Kavyanayaki..Here’s the BIG REVEAL Motion poster #MythologyForMillennials@Gunasekhar1 @neelima_guna #ManiSharma @GunaaTeamworks
— Gunasekhar (@Gunasekhar1) January 1, 2021
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