The young actor Naga Shaurya is celebrating her mother’ birthday and on this occasion Aswathama actor took to his Twitter to share few pics of him with his mother Usha Mulpuri and said, “Amma you are what I live for Happy Birthday Amma.”
Kalyana Vaibhogame fame Naga Shaurya was born to his father Shankar Prasad and his mother Usha, a homemaker on 22nd January 1989 in Eluru, AP and brought up in Vijayawada He started his career in Telugu film industry with Cricket, Girls and Beer.
On several occasions, Naga Shaurya has given the whole credit of his success to his mother. Earlier on the occasion of Pre release event of Chalo, Naga Shaurya had said, “Even though my mother Usha Mulpuri has no idea about production of a film and its management, his mother has learnt and took utmost care in making the film the best in his career. My mom used to beat me a lot when I didn’t study. Thus, my mother made me a good human being. She watched all my movies patiently even though she knew that a few failed at Box office. When my mother got a chance to bankroll the movie, she did everything she could just to see her son how she wants to, on-screen. I follow whatever she says. My mother trusts in God and I trust my mom.”
Amma you are what I live for
Happy Birthday Amma— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) January 24, 2021
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