Nannaku Premathi starring Young Tiger Jr NTR and Rakul Preet Singh has completed 5 years since the movie was released on 13th January 2016. Five years ago, on this very day, Nannaku Prematho had stormed theatres with an earth shattering opening. Sukumar’ directorial venture ‘Nannaku Prematho’ is still memorable, for various reasons. Jr NTr starrer, produced by BVSN Prasad under Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, Bhogavalli Bapineedu and Reliance Entertainment, was touted to be a full paisa vasool entertainment package.
Nannaku Prematho marked the 25th film of Jr NTR as an actor. Sukumar’ directorial venture had grossed Rs 48.50 Crs worldwide in the first 9 days after it was released and by the end of its 2nd week had grossed Rs 80 Cr.
The fans of Jr NTR are trending #5YearsOfNannakuPrematho today on Twitter:
Tanuku NTR Fans @NTRFansTanuku: #NannakuPrematho Was very spl to fans Thank you
@aryasukku sir for giving great film for us Thank you @tarak9999 anna for every Thing Thank you
@ThisIsDSP sir for ultimate music Thank you @SVCCofficial @Rakulpreet @IamJagguBhai #NTR #5YearsOfNannakuPrematho
RTC X Road NTR Fans @RtcxRoadNTRfans: Best film in @tarak9999 anna career.. That stylish look and performance . Thank you @ThisIsDSP garu for songs ang mind blowing BGM. #5YearsOfNannakuPrematho #5YearsForEpicNKP
NTR King of Massd: Vinayaka Chaturthi Ki First Look Dusshera Ki Teaser Deepavali Ki Special Poster Sankranti Movie Release Class Cinema Thoo Ceeded Lo Record Most Trended Makeover In India Best Song Ever Dedicated To Fathers #5YearsOfNannakuPrematho @tarak9999 #5YearsForEpicNKP
Currently Jr NTR is working with SS Rajamouli for RRR, which is being produced by DVV Danayya.
Celebrating 5 years of Young Tiger @tarak9999 & Brilliant Director @aryasukku‘s Blockbuster #NannakuPrematho #5YearsOfNannakuPrematho@Rakulpreet #RajendraPrasad @IamJagguBhai @ThisIsDSP @SVCCofficial @Shibasishsarkar @RelianceEnt
— BARaju (@baraju_SuperHit) January 13, 2021
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