Prashanth Neel, who is popular for his directorial venture KGF starring rocking star Yash, has penned a story for Srii Murali for another project that has been titled Bagheera that means Panther. Though Prashanth Neel is busy in his project KGF 2, but he and the production house Hombale have announced one of the biggest pan-India films starring Prabhas that is titled ‘Salaar’ which is a big budget project and is expected to go on the floor from January 2021.
And now they have announced another mega budget film ‘Bagheera’. Dr Suri is providing the screenplay and direction. Srii Murali is playing the lead role and today on the occasion of actor’ birthday, the announcement regarding this project is made.
Prashanth Neel also shared the first look poster of the upcoming drama Bagheera where the actor Srii Murali is seen in the uniform of a cop and is also seen looking out through the torn area. The film Bagheera is produced by Vijay Kiragandur under the banner of Hombale Films.
Srii Murali is the cousin of Sandalwood star Shiva Rajkumar and Puneet Rajkumar. He was last seen in action drama Bharaate, directed by Chethan Kumar and produced by Suprith under the Sri Jagadguru Movies banner, in which he played the dual role.
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