Once again Jagapathi Babu is all set to play the lead role in an upcoming film FCUK (Father Chitti Umaa Kaarthik), which is touted to be a hilarious entertainer. On the occasion of New year, the makers of FCUK released a teaser. Going by the teaser, Jagapathi Babu is playing a Casanova and a father to a young guy Karthik, played by Ram Karthik.
The upcoming hilarious drama FCUK is directed by Vidya Sagar Raju and is produced by KL Damodar Prasad under the banner Sri Ranjith Movies. Ammu Abhirami is playing the role of a Ram Karthik’s love interest and baby Saharshitha will be seen in a crucial role.
According to the makers, FCUK (Father, Chitti, Umaa, Karthik) is a romantic family entertainer with a unique concept never attempted before in Tollywood.
Ammu Abhirami who is playing Dr Umaa in this FCUK movie, has acted opposite Danush in the revenge movie ‘Asuran’ and Jagapathi Babu starrer marks her debut in Telugu film Industry.
The makers have already wrapped up the entire shoot of this film FCUK and currently the film unit has been focusing on film promotions for the past few days, and they are impressing the movie lovers by releasing new posters one by one and this time they released the teaser.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2JAwOR9