Megastar Chiranjeevi debuted with director K Vasu’s Pranam Khareedu in the year 1978 won the hearts of the movie lovers with his performance skills and his dancing style. His first movie as a hero, Punadhirallu, won the Nandi Award in Best Feature Film. From that movie till his previous offering , Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Chiru has remained popular with his fans. In fact, Chiranjeevi was the south star who joined politics a decade before his contemporaries in Tamil Nadu, Kollywood superstar Rajinikanth and versatile actor Kamal Haasan, decided to take the plunge.
In the year 2008, Chiranjeevi started his political party Praja Rajyam in Andhra Pradesh and his political aim was similar to Kamal Haasan who started his party Makkal Needhi Maiam in the year 2018. Recently Chiranjeevi graced the talk show Sam Jam and spoke about his lover from movies to politics.
About his political re entry, megastar Chiranjeevi said, “I have no intention of getting back to politics. But if given a chance of rebirth, I would like to be born as actor again.”
On the professional front, Chiraneevi is working with Kajal Aggarwal in an upcoming much hyped big budget movie Acharya, which is helmed by Koratala Siva.
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