Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar, who was recently shooting for Bollywood top actor Akshay Kumar’s Prithviraj, is currently enjoying the vacation in the Maldives. She has been treating her fans to amazing photographs of herself from the island nation Maldives. This time, The model-turned-actress Manushi Chhillar took to her Integra to share a bikini pic of her in which she is seen flaunting her hat.
The actress was spotted cruising in the ocean all alone. She has maintained a fit and well toned body with hard work and a strict diet regime. She makes no compromises when it comes to staying in proper shape and thus, always looks stunning without fault.
The beauty queen is looking s*xy beyond words in this picture. The actress is making many hearts skip a beat with her sultry and sensuous looks. She is seen showing off her well toned body in bikini as she poses with her back towards the camera. Her photographs have been receiving immense love from her fans. While few fans flooded her feed with comments like beautiful and s*xy, whereas others requested her to post more photographs.
Manushi Chhillar is making her Bollywood debut with Akshay Kumar in the film Prithviraj, which is bankrolled by Yash Raj Films where she is playing the role of Sanyogita.
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