Malayalam actor Anil Nedumangad, who is popular for acting in blockbuster movie Ayyappanum Koshiyum, Kamattipaadam and Paavada, drowned in Malankara dam in Thodupuzha. This incident took place yesterday on 25th December. Anil had stepped into Malankara dam reservoir in Nuvattupuzha in Kerala’s Ernakulam district, to take a bath with his friends, where he drowned.
When the actor’ friends noticed him missing, a search operation was launched. later Anil Nedumangad was pulled out with the help of rescue workers. The actor was taken to the hospital but was declared dead. It is to be noted that Ayyappanum Koshiyium helmer Sachy passed away earlier this year.
Anil Nedumangad was working for a movie in in Thodupuzha, in which Joju George is essaying the lead. He played the role of a villain in Rajeev Ravi’s Kammattipadom in Ayyappanum Koshiyum. Anil was last seen in ‘Paapam Cheyyathavar Kalleriyatte’, which was released in 2020.
Prithviraj Sukumaran, who essayed the lead actor in the movie Ayyappanum Koshiyum, took to his Twitter space and shared a photo of Anil Nedumangad to offer his condolence to his family. The Condolence messages are pouring in from the movie lovers and the fans of Anil Nedumangad on microblogging page who are praying for his soul to rest in peace.
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